My father said, he always dresses up on his best ... for him, first impression last. According to him every person deserve to look the best at all times... a pretty bold statement.
For me, I wear clothes the way I feel, it depends how you dress on any Occassion. Of course you can not wear bikini's for a job interview.
Impression has the word "impress". you can be remembered or sometimes you cant. It depends. you can be impressive too if you stink too much or you look funny the way you look on your first meeting or if you were over perfumed and over dressed.
Sometimes after the first impression, it can be changed. It depends on the situation or how people are being judgmental and how each person registered to them. How you wear clothes is who you are.
For me attitude matters most. First impression never last, it will give the lasting impression but "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
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